Adding a shared calendar to your calendar.

To open the outlook calendar:

  • Go to the internet and open ‘Office 365’. Enter in your credentials in order to log in.
  • Select the box with the 9 dots on the top left corner.

  • Select the calendar option

  • Right click over 'Other Calendar' and select the option 'Open Calendar

  • Under the tab 'From directory', enter in the calendar you would like to open and select 'Open'

If your outlook is the new Outlook, follow the instructions below:

  • Select the option 'Import calendar'

  • Click on 'From directory' down the left hand side and enter in the name of the calendar you'd like to open in the space 'Enter a name or email address'

  • The current room bookings will appear on the calendar as the same colour as the tick beside the name of the room on the left hand side. To remove a calendar untick the tick box and the colour boxes will disappear from the calendar.

Booking a room 

To book a room:

  • Find the specific date on the calendar and right click on the box. A pop up box will appear. Fill in the correct information including the room you require.

  • Select ‘Send’ if all the information is correct or ‘More options’ if you require to invite individuals to the event or add more information.

  • Below is the ‘More options’ screen. I have added 2 members of staff to the event and I can see they are available as they have no events on at that specific time. Select ‘Send’ when the form is complete.

  • I have added a third member of staff however they are not available that day at that time. You can see who is not available by the red X at the bottom of the page beside their initials.

  • Once the form is complete select ‘Send’ and a request will be sent to be confirmed that you are able to use the room. This will automatically appear on your calendar and the specific room calendar.